
Early Childhood Programs

  • Baby boy holding onto woman while looking at camera during Happy 5 public education program at ICAN. Happy 5 is one of the early childhood programs that focus on parenting workshops encouraging safe and nurturing parenting techniques.

    Happy 5

    Happy 5 is a 6-week public education program with parenting workshops focused on encouraging safe and nurturing parenting techniques, bridging cultural gaps, and promoting discussion of child abuse/neglect to help children gain maximum development in the first five years.

  • Girl pointing to wall with poster during SEEDS workshop which is geared towards Vietnamese American parents to educate them about the importance of a child’s developing years and prepare them with the necessary tools.


    SEEDS (Sensitive, Encouragement, Education, Development through Self Image) is a workshop geared towards Vietnamese American parents to educate them about the importance of a child’s developing years (ages 0-5) and prepare them with the necessary tools to help their child succeed in the American education system.

  • Storytime Program

    During Story Time, our leaders create stories that include shapes, colors, and numbers in order to help children develop different parts of their brain. They will also be given the opportunity to participate in arts and crafts which helps hone their motor skills.

  • Triple P

    Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is a workshop that educates Vietnamese American parents about positive discipline and building healthy parental relationships, with the added challenge of raising children in America and still keeping traditional values.

Youth and Young Adult Programs

  • ICAN Inspire Scholarship

    Apply for our scholarship program for Vietnamese-American high school and undergraduate college students in the communities in the North Bay. We aim to award ICAN INSPIRE scholarships of a maximum of $4000 for 4 years for full-time undergraduate students at an accredited 4-year university ($1000 per year up to 4 years) or for community college ($500 per year up to 4 years).

  • ICAN Internship

    The summer internship is for high school or college students of Vietnamese descent who are not only proactive and willing to learn on the job but also want to give back to the community. Students will be working first-hand with the staff of ICAN to work on childcare and youth development programs, Vietnamese community projects, and other events that benefit our Vietnamese-American community.

  • Youth Financial Literacy Program

    Introduction to lifelong investment principles and habits. Workshops consisting of:

    • Financial habits

    • Investment principles

    • Life cycle planning

    • Virtual stock market game in teams

    • Real money to invest in the real world as a prize

  • WISE: Wellness Initiative for Summer Empowerment

    For all youth ages 15-25! WISE is ICAN’s summer wellness initiative that includes comprehensive sessions covering a spectrum of topics, such as mental health, practical financial literacy skills, career exploration (with a special company tour field trip), and personal development strategies.

    The program will be split into two (2) series, spanning from the beginning of June to mid-July, and mid-July to mid-August.

Families and Communities

  • Preventing Human Trafficking & Gender-Based Violence

    ICAN is funded by Santa Clara County to provide services that will help prevent human trafficking and gender-based violence in the Vietnamese community through community education and awareness that includes a needs assessment, training (staff, other community based organizations, community partners, youth leaders, parent workshops, and community outreach and educational workshops.

  • ICAN Coffee Parent Cafe Logo

    Parent Cafe: Series K

    Our Parent Cafe program is a series of guided workshops that discuss a new topic in each session, designed to nurture the spirit of family. This is a peer-to-peer learning process that fosters meaningful relationships while empowering participants to exercise healthy practices.

  • Women's Support Group

    Designed to provide a safe environment and clinical support needed to assist Vietnamese women, including survivors of domestic violence, in sharing, reframing, and addressing issues related to parenting, marriage, relationship, safety, and more.

  • Family Relationships and Communication

    A 6-week program with parenting workshops focused on understanding ages and stages of adolescent development, identifying domestic violence, problem solving skills, and improving communication with their teenagers to move toward a healthy relationship.

  • Homeless Prevention System (HPS)

    The Homelessness Prevention System (HPS) program provides financial assistance (e.g. rent, deposit, or utilities payment) to low-income families or individuals who are struggling to maintain their housing.

  • Digital Inclusion Program

    The Digital Inclusion program promotes equity and improves educational outcomes, promotes job acquisition and advancement, improves mental and physical health options, and allows San Jose residents to be more efficient and effective.

  • Radio Talk

    Tune in every Saturday from 3:00-3:30 PM on the 1500 AM radio to hear about topics ranging from school readiness to your child's health. Live shows are scheduled on the first Saturday of each month.

  • South Vietnam: Memories and Perspectives

    This project commemorates the process refugees and immigrants in South Vietnam went through to, eventually becoming Vietnamese Americans. Members of the Vietnamese community in the San Jose area recorded their stories in the form of images and written passages to preserve their experiences for future generations.

Community-Based Research

  • Vietnamese Air Quality Ambassador Program

    The goal of this project is to increase awareness and understanding about air quality and its impact on people’s health in the Vietnamese community in Santa Clara county (San Jose area) through one-on-one community outreach, community forums, ethnic media, and social media. This project is funded by a grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.

  • Breathe California

    BREATHE California of the Bay Area fights lung disease in all its forms and works with its communities to promote lung health. They envision a world that promotes healthy lungs and a healthy environment. Learn more about them at their website by clicking the link below!

  • Care Research Registry

    Our goal is to register 10,000 API (Asian Pacific Islanders) including 2500 Vietnamese individuals into a registry database of people who are interested in participating in community-based research. If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please contact ICAN’s office.

  • Compass Survey

    COMPASS stands for “COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of AAPI Survey Study.” The goal of COMPASS is to assess the effects of COVID-19 on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. COMPASS will help to inform future policies, programs, and additional research that can alleviate the adverse effects of COVID-19 for AAPIs. ICAN is a community outreach partner and aims to help uncover the extent to which COVID-19 impacted the Vietnamese community.



    The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute is a United States-based non-governmental institute created as part of a modification to the Social Security Act by clauses in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. ICAN will be taking findings from selected research funded by PCORI and disseminate the findings to our Vietnamese community in a culturally competent manner. The selected studies are about dementia and advanced directive.


    In an effort to recruit one million precision health studies while reflecting the cultural diversity in the U.S, a pilot research program is funded by Stanford Precision Health Research for Ethnic and Racial Equity (SPHERE) Center/Spectrum Community Engagement Pilot Awards Program to explore strategies to meaningfully engage and educate racial and ethnic minorities about precision health and precision health research. ICAN is proud to help strengthen the voice of Vietnamese Americans in the area of research so that culturally competent strategies and services can be documented to better serve Vietnamese communities around the world.

  • Vietnamese Americans for Cleaner Air and Better Health

    The goal of this project is to increase awareness and understanding about air quality and its impact on people’s health in the Vietnamese community in Santa Clara County (San Jose area) by conducting a community needs assessment and providing community awareness and education activities through ethnic media, social media, and community forum. This project is led by ICAN in consultation with the San Jose Clean Energy Department.


Research Newsletters

Read about our research and work to make our community a better place.

Humanitarian Programs

  • ICAN Dream K-12 & College Scholarships

    ICAN provides scholarship to orphans and poor students in Vietnam to help them obtain the education that would help them brighten their future. Pictured are three young doctors (Hải Đăng, Thiện Hảo, and Đặng Thị Thu Hằng) currently working in major hospitals in Hue, Vietnam who nearly dropped out of school due to the difficult circumstances of their families. ICAN chose to help and empowered these children to fulfill their dreams! The happy graduates are joined by Ms. Nga Ivy Vuong (second from the right) representing the ICAN DREAM Scholarship Program.

  • 100 Bikes

    This program engages students in the US to raise money to buy bikes for disadvantaged children in Vietnam so they can get to school and complete their education. This project provides an opportunity for Vietnamese-American students to give back and to connect to their cultural roots.

  • Eye Surgeries for the Elderly (Ánh Sáng Tình Thương)

    ICAN provides free cataract surgeries to poor elders in Vietnam so they can continue to be the foundation of love, guidance, and support for their family, especially their grandchildren.

  • Breath of Life

    ICAN provides Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines to hospitals in Vietnam to save lives of premature newborns and infants suffering from respiratory distress.

  • Relief Aid

    ICAN helps victims of natural disasters in the U.S. and around the world get back on their feet.

  • ADAPT - Child Trafficking Prevention

    ICAN has been supporting the ADAPT program (led by Pacific Links Foundation) that aims to keep at-risk girls in school to prevent them from being trafficked across Vietnam’s borders. The program has 3 components: scholarships, vocational training and reintegration.

  • ICAN Help - Vietnam Help COVID-19

    Over the past month, thanks to the direct organization of Master Thich Chon Tinh, ICAN has been able to provide thousands of gratitude gifts, worth nearly $30,000 USD, to our impoverished compatriots, needy children, blind and disabled people- who have been significantly impacted by the terrible pandemic that humanity is facing. Recently, ICAN also sent 12,000 N95 medical masks to Vietnam to aid medical personnel who have been working nonstop for almost two years with limited supplies.