Donate to ICAN

ICAN is a qualified (501)(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

All donations to ICAN are tax deductible!


You can donate to ICAN through a variety of methods:

  • Online Donation

    Donate through:


    Debit / Credit Card

    Zelle: 408-509-8788

    You can pick the frequency of the donation as well as the designation of your donation. On top of this, you can also dedicate your donation to someone.

    You can also donate a:

    Vehicle Stock Check

    Note: If your stock donation is above $3,000, please refer to the Major Gifts section below instead

  • Donate to a Specific Program

    Want to sponsor a particular program that resonates with you? ICAN is constantly hosting programs to help the general public. However, these take a lot of funding, which you can help with by sponsoring these programs here:

    ICAN Dream K-12 [VN]

    ICAN Inspire [US]

    ICAN Dream College

    ADAPT [VN]

    Eye Surgeries for the Elderly (Ánh Sáng Tình Thương)

    Disclaimer: A portion of the proceeds will continue to go into advocating for services to the Vietnamese community.

  • Corporate Matching Gift

    Many corporations are now willing to support private secondary education by matching your gift, often as much as two or three times your contribution. Your employer can advise you if your company has a matching gift program.

    We are currently accepting matching from these two companies:

    YourCause Bevenity

  • Donate Through Retailers

    Want an easy way to support your nonprofit of choice?

    1) You can continue to shop as you always do. Many retailers are eager to donate a percentage of their profit from your purchases to nonprofits if you allow them to. Learn more about how to do this here

    Paypal Ebay

    2) You can also purchase items directly for ICAN. We have set up an Amazon wishlist for anyone who wants to help us by directly purchasing items!

  • Memorial Gifts

    Donate your gift in memory of a loved one and always keep them in your thoughts through a memorial certificate

    Having issues? Email with any questions!

  • Major Gifts

    Want to help contribute with something other than money? Here are some other ways you can help ICAN:

    Planned Giving (Wills, Bequements)

    Charitable Remainder Trust


    Donor Advised Funds

    Foundation Gifts

    Donate Stock, Bonds, and Mutual Funds

    Life Insurances

    Please reach out to for more information.

Donate Today!

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